Roach Removal Shorncliffe


Seeing signs of cockroaches in your home? Talk to the experts today. We can help get rid of them.


If you’re located in the suburb of Shorncliffe you will know what it’s like to have open breezy summers and the chill wind of winter coming off the sea. Despite the beauty and amazing location, Shorncliffe still gets its fair share of pests, from rodents like mice and rats through to cockroaches, mosquitoes, fleas and termites. 

Being so close to the ocean we find that many homes around the Shorncliffe area are open, Queenslander styles which mean creepy crawlies can crawl and slither their way into your home, particularly in the colder months. If you’re seeing insects like silverfish, spiders, cockroaches or rodents like rats and mice in or around your home, don’t wait until it becomes an infestation, call in the professionals today for a professional cockroach removal service.

We treat the following types of cockroaches:-

  • Australian Cockroaches
  • American Cockroaches
  • German Cockroaches
  • Oriental Cockroaches
  • Brown Banded Cockroaches 
  • Smoky Brown Cockroaches 

Book your cockroach removal today

If you’re sick of seeing cockroaches crawl out from under the dishwasher or scurry out of the kitchen when you turn the light on in the middle of the night, we can help you with roach removal. If you’re googling or looking for things like ‘roach exterminator cost near me’ or ‘best exterminator for roaches near me’ we hope you will give us a call on 1300 057 067 and chat with us about how we can help. 

Looking for signs of cockroaches in your home

If you think you may have a cockroach issue in your home, take a look at some of the telltale signs below. If you’re seeing any of them, it might be time to give us a call. 

  • Small peppercorn looking feces (can also look like coffee grinds)
  • A musty, oily, earthy or dank smell (this could be a sign of an infestation)
  • You’re seeing little hollow, brown, ribbed empty case looking things (these are egg casings)
  • You physically see cockroaches (where there’s one there’s bound to be more)

If you’re seeing any of these signs it’s possible you have an issue with cockroaches in your home. Give us a call today on 1300 057 067 and we can book you in for an inspection right away to make sure your small cockroach problem doesn’t turn into a big issue.


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A warranty certificate issued with each treatment so you have peace of mind.

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Our inspectors use the latest in insect control products and are applied by an Accredited Applicator.

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Australia Wide

Our revolutionary products have been used to treat 200,000 homes.

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Customer Support

If you have concerns or questions, call us any time.

If you’re looking for complete pest management in Brisbane and surrounding areas, Abolish Termite & Pest Management is the service for you.

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Abolish Termite & Pest Management
Unit 4 / 54 Paisley Drive
Lawnton QLD 4501
Phone: 1300 057 067