Pest control for black house spiders
There’s not many people that like having spiders in their home. Even though the black house spider is only mildly poisonous they can still be a danger to have in your home. Common in Australia, New Zealand and Japan the black house spider is a web producing spider that produces egg sacks that house their young.
If bitten by the black house spider, you are likely to have localised pain that can be extreme along with nausea, vomiting, sweating and a spinning sensation. There have been cases of necrosis of the skin developing after several bites.
It’s safe to say that should you be bitten by one of these spiders, it’s best to get yourself to a doctor or emergency room as quickly as possible.
What are black house spiders?
Found in many countries around the world including Australia, Japan and New Zealand. Females grow up to around 18mm in body and they have a leg span of roughly 30mm. Males are slightly smaller than females and range in colour from black to dark brown. They have a covering of very fine hair on their bodies and legs and tend to make messy webs in irregular shapes.
They tend not to leave their webs unless they’re required to, so if you’ve found these spiders in your home and are looking for spider pest control, there’s a good chance they will be in the same place as where you found them when we get there.
Diet and habitat
The black house spider will eat all manner of living things including flies, beetles, butterflies, bees and ants.
They tend to make their homes in tree trunks, old logs and rock walls when making a home outside. If they’re inside your home they’re likely to set up their webs in window frames and crevices in your walls.
Pest control options for black house spiders
Whilst black house spiders tend to stay outside, in some cases infestations can happen and many spiders will make their way into homes. If this happens the best thing to do is contact a spider treatment pest control company like Abolish Termite & Pest Management and we will be able to inspect your home and advise on the best course of action for spider extermination.
If you would like to talk with us about black house spider pest control, contact us today – Abolish Termite & Pest Management is a professional spider treatment pest control company based on the northside of Brisbane.