Pest control for ants

Get rid of ants in your home

Nothing ruins a picnic, Xmas lunch or BBQ more than having ants crawling all over your food the minute you put it on the table or bench. Even worse is waking up, realising you haven’t wiped the bench properly only to find a sea of ants crawling all over your benchtops and they just... won’t... stop!

We can help

Abolish Termite and Pest Management are local exterminators that can help eliminate the entire colony so that you can get rid of ants for good. We deal with all species of ants including argentine ants, black house ants, bull ants (also known as green ants – these are the ones that get you in the backyard), carpenter ants, fire ants, garden ants, sugar ants and the coastal brown ant (these are widespread in our area).

If you would like to talk with us about ant control for your home, garden or yard, please feel free to contact us on 1300 057 067 today and we can come to your home and conduct a pest inspection to give you a range of options for exterminating those unwanted house guests.

Common ants we treat


What ants are common in Brisbane?

There’s thousands of species of ants in Australia, but not all of them will make their way into your backyard or home if you live in Brisbane. Here are the six most common species of ants you will encounter in Brisbane:-

Coastal brown ant

Pheidole megacephala
Really common in Brisbane and other coastal areas, coastal brown ants will nest under the ground and make openings under rocks, logs or between bricks and pavers in your backyard.

Southern meat ant

Iridomyrmex purpureus
These are the ants you often see on fire trails, bushwalks and in open woodlands. They have a distinctive domed nest that has many entrance holes. If they feel threatened, they will spill out of their nest and attack in great numbers.

Bull and jumper ants

Mymecia spp.
These are ants we get the most calls for as they have one of the most painful bites which stings for a long time. Kids and animals beware if you have these in your backyard.

Green headed ant

Rhytidoponera metallica
One of the most common ants found in gardens and backyards all over Brisbane, these ants are responsible for the most stings in Brisbane and will quickly put any game of backyard cricket on hold if they decide to move in.

Sugar ant

Camponotus spp.
These guys are more of a pest in the kitchen than a threat in the backyard like bull ants and green headed ants. They love anything sweet, so if you spill some cordial, honey, sugar or anything else with a hint of sweetness in it, they’re likely to get all over it.

Spiny ant

Polyrhachis spp.
These little guys often make their nests in trees, shrubs and branches around your backyard which can make gardening an almost impossible pass time if you’re got an infestation.


Ant control that’s right for you

No matter what type of home you live in, there’s a very good chance you’re going to have ants come into your home or your backyard at some stage. We help people control their ant problems in their homes, apartments, duplexes, sheds, backyards and properties. Talk with us today about your ant problem and we can help with your ant pest control solutions.

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What’s your property type?

Depending on your property types, we will customise an ant pest control treatment that suits your home. If you’ve got ants nests in your backyard, we can help get rid of them. If you’ve got ants finding their way into your home, we can help eliminate them and give you advice on how to manage them moving forward.

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Level of infestation

It might be one big old green ants nest in the backyard, or perhaps those little black house ants that just won’t go away. No matter your level of infestation, we can guarantee that we’ve pretty much seen it all, so give us a call today to help with your ant issues.

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Different approaches

Depending on where the nests are, the level of infestation and the types of ants you have, we have a range of different solutions we can recommend to help you with ant control.

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We get it – sometimes it seems cheaper to just nip down to Bunnings and grab a bottle of ant killer and try to manage the issue yourself. If you’ve tried this and still have an ant problem, it’s time to call in the professionals to help you eliminate the problem... for good.

Don’t let ants ruin your next BBQ or game of backyard cricket.

Talk with us today about our ant control services for homes in Brisbane.
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A warranty certificate issued with each treatment so you have peace of mind.

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Our inspectors use the latest in insect control products and are applied by an Accredited Applicator.

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Australia Wide

Our revolutionary products have been used to treat 200,000 homes.

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Customer Support

If you have concerns or questions, call us any time.

If you’re looking for complete pest management in Brisbane and surrounding areas, Abolish Termite & Pest Management is the service for you.

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Interest free payment plans
on termite protection.



Abolish Termite & Pest Management
Unit 4 / 54 Paisley Drive
Lawnton QLD 4501
Phone: 1300 057 067