Pest control for common black ants

Black ants are small insects that are very frustrating to have in your home. Typically, in search of food or a nesting habitat, they are found in bathrooms or other damp areas.

Black ants, unlike termites, don’t chew through wood in your home, but dig through it. They build their colonies inside, which may cause some damage to your house.

What do black ants look like?

Black ants are a black and brownish colour and are usually about 3mm in length. Not to be confused with termites, the common black ant has a large gaster at the back. They have six legs which are attached to their thorax in the middle, with bent antennae on top of their head.

Diet and habitat

Black ants are an omnivorous species, which means they feed on insects and worms, as well as plants such as small seeds. They are also highly attracted to any sugary liquids or carbohydrates such as fruits or bread. Generally, black ants are predominantly found in Australia and Japan, nesting in cracks or gaps in your home. They are also attracted to areas in your home with excessive moisture such as your bathroom, under your sink or hidden in tiles.

Breeding cycle of the black ant

Each black ant colony surrounds itself and builds up from the Queen, whose only purpose is to reproduce. They have 4 stages of life – egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Eggs hatch within 8-10 days, and queen ants can produce up to 800 eggs per day!

Pest control options for black ants

At Abolish, our main pest control option is to book our professional ant control services, which will not only keep away the ants on the surface but keep away the entire colony.

Contact us today to book a pest control treatment to help you get rid of black ants from your home.

Talk to us today about pest control for common black ants.

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Abolish Termite & Pest Management
Unit 4 / 54 Paisley Drive
Lawnton QLD 4501
Phone: 1300 057 067