Pest control for smoky brown cockroaches
Given the warm climate of Brisbane and the fact that the smoky brown cockroach prefers our balmy climates, it’s little wonder this type of cockroach is one we see often when conducting pest inspection in homes around Brisbane.
Easily identifiable by its light brown colour and light rimmed pattern on its thorax, the smoky brown cockroach will be found indoors in the colder months. They tend to prefer wetter areas as they lose their moisture pretty quickly when compared to their cousin the American cockroach.
As with many other species of cockroaches, the smoky brown cockroach is known to carry a wide range of parasites and diseases. Having them in your home will greatly increase risks of asthma, pathogen exposure and allergies.
What are smoky brown cockroaches?
Smoky brown cockroaches are closely related to the American cockroach but tend to be much smaller in size. Smoky brown cockroaches are distributed all over the world and can be found in the USA, Japan and Australia (mostly found in Sydney and Brisbane).
They tend to not like colder weather so aren’t found in southern states and will move indoors when colder weather arrives. Females will lay up to 10 eggs at a time and can live up to 174 days. They prefer humid weather as they tend to lose moisture quite quickly so more humid climes suit this pest well as it will help them to stop drying out quickly (which will impact on everything from their lifespan to reproductive ability).
Diet and habitat
Like most other breeds of cockroaches, Smoky brown cockroaches are scavengers so will eat almost anything. Being a detrivore they will feed from a wide range of organic matter and will happily chow down on everything from dog food, paper, cardboard and fresh fruit.
Pest control options for smoky brown cockroaches
Smoky brown cockroaches really like warmer places, it’s imperative to check cracks and crannies, under homes, bathrooms and anywhere there is moisture. If you see one cockroach in your home, there’s a very good chance there’s more but you’re just not seeing them. If you find evidence of cockroaches and would like to have a professional inspect your home, please contact us and we will organise for a pest inspection.
If you want to talk with us about Smoky Brown cockroaches pest control, contact us today – Abolish Termite & Pest Management is a professional pest control company based on the northside of Brisbane.